Par-Coeur Multiplication


When Par-Coeur was written, the first goal was to learn multiplication tables while playing. During the game, a tree lives on the background following the player skill. The more the player knows his tables, the more the tree is beautiful. If some wrong results are given, the corresponding operations are asked later during the game.


Two games are proposed to learn the tables:

  • Introduction to tables which proposes to learn each table with more assistance and by repeating the questions at less 3 times.
  • Multiplications which is more abrupt but surely the good game to know if a table is really known.


Little by little, the game has evolved and now proposes several exercises: multiplication digit by digit, multiplication with holes, and others ...

  • Multiplication digit by digit. In this activity, a multiplication is given in columns. The goal is to solve 4 operations consecutively without error. When a result is wrong, an animation explains how the calculus must be done.
  • Hole operations. A multiplication is posed online, the missing part is not the result but one of the factors. It is a good exercise to introduce division.
  • Operations on tens and hundreds. In this activity, one learns to do a multiplication like 60x300. The principle is to succeed 6 consecutive questions, presented from the simplest to the most evolved.
  • Finally, we have a challenge mode which consists in proposing to redo the operations on which the player has the most difficulty.